Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spiral Bound Gift Card Holder

This year we decided to do something a little different for my Parents Christmas Gift.  What do you get for someone that has everything?   When you ask, "What would you like for Christmas", and get "nothing" really makes it hard to figure something out.  Well my Sister came up with this Brilliant idea to all chip in $$ and get them a bunch of gift cards.  You may think gift cards are not a very personal gift for your parents, but ours just moved and retired,  so we thought this would be perfect. The shopping began for the cards...  They ranged from Gas cards to Grocery Cards to restaurants and Coffee to Crafts and Hardware.  Since I'm the only one that does not live in the same state as the rest of them and did not have access to the same stores and restaurants, it was my job to make the book to keep them in.  I was honored when my Sister asked me to make something to put them all in.  So here you go...............................

I used the paper collection from October Afternoon: Seaside
I love this collection and had it even before I was asked to make the book.  When she asked me to make a book for the gift cards, I knew exactly what papers I was going to use.  It is so perfect because as I mentioned my parents moved, well they moved from the City to the shore. This is the first time I had done anything like this, even the first time I used my Bind It All that I had for several months. 


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